Mad Rocket: Fog of War Wiki
Img ethernium

"To use them as energy, we must refine them to ETERNIUMs. The thing is... it will take a long time to do that. This is quite a difficult research task."

General Information

  • Eternium Drill continuously produces Eternium until it reaches its storage capacity. Therefore, you have to periodically collect the Eternium produced and store them in the Eternium Storage.
  • When a Eternium Drill is destroyed in a battle, 50% of the uncollected Eternium will be taken by enemy. It's mean, any Eternium Drill with much uncollected Eternium is more likely to draw enemy attention.
  • When you upgrade your Eternium Drill, any uncollected Eternium will be automatically saved. However, if the Eternium Storage is full at this moment, the uncollected Eternium will be lost. Eternium Drill stops producing Eternium during its upgrade.
  • The hourly Eternium production rate of a base depends on the level of its Eternium Drill. In other words, the higher the Eternium Drill level, the higher the hourly Eternium production rate.